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Monday – Friday09:00 – 13:00 | 14:30 - 18:30
StudioLargo Nicolò Rezzara, n. 6 Bergamo 24122 (BG)

Assistance Assistance in Corporate and Tax matters

Our professionals are at your disposal during the incorporation of partnerships or corporations, in the start-up of sole proprietorships or professional activities, in the elaboration of economic, financial and patrimonial plans preparatory to a correct planning of the activity, in the ordinary and extraordinary consultancy that may be necessary throughout the entrepreneurial or professional activity.

In particular, the Studio ensures the necessary tax and corporate advice in all phases of normal business activity, assisting the entrepreneur in identifying its objectives, in highlighting any critical issues, providing him with all the information needed to take the most informed strategic decisions.

The Studio also supports the entrepreneur in any critical phases of the company and in its generational transition.

The Studio also assists clients in the establishment of non-profit organizations, such as foundations and associations; traditionally used in the non-entrepreneurial field in order to give an effective response to those who wish to carry out projects of social solidarity.

Among the various activities carried out:

  • Assistance in the incorporation of corporations or partnerships, in the start-up of sole proprietorships or professional activities;
  • Assistance in the operations of purchase or sale of social participations, with the possibility to formalize directly the contracts of sale of shares of s.r.l.;
  • Assistance with general corporate and fiscal planning in relation to individual companies or groups of companies;
  • The drafting, in accordance with the client, of business plans as business information tools to support the search for ordinary and extraordinary corporate finance;
  • Debt renegotiation and restructuring activities of industrial and financial companies, through the identification of the most appropriate technical-legal and fiscal instrument to address and, hopefully, resolve the crisis (e.g. recovery plans pursuant to art. 67, paragraph 3, letter d), L.F, debt restructuring agreements pursuant to art. 182bis L.F., treatment of tax and social security credits pursuant to art. 182ter L.F., arrangements with creditors pursuant to art. 160 L.F., arrangements with creditors on a going concern basis pursuant to art. 186bis L.F.);
  • The Studio provides the broadest advice related to the implementation of extraordinary transactions, such as reorganization tools to protect development strategies, or downsizing or even protection and preservation of the value of the company and its assets;
  • Assistance in the evaluation of the generational transition and in the eventual phase of constitution of the family holding company (studying the most efficient solutions) and in the subsequent "full-scale" phase;
  • Fiscaldue diligence activities, both on the seller's and the buyer's side;
  • Assistance in determining the most suitable financing instrument for the company, based on its needs, and assistance in the issuance of Mini Bonds linked to medium-long term business development programs;
(+39) 035223126
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(+39) 035223126
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Studio Ribolla, Fusi e Associati P.IVA 03431340169 – ©